Mrs. Stephens' first graders have been researching animals and putting their knowledge into Information Books. Today we shared our books with partners and the whole class!
about 3 hours ago, Dawn Stephens
Sharing with friends!
Sharing their favorite page!
A couple front covers.
They are very proud of their books!
Sixth grade girls enjoying Wacky Wednesday for Read Across America Week.
about 3 hours ago, Shelley Nooe
The District is having phone issues. Please disregard any message(s) you may have received about a child's absence.
about 11 hours ago, Kyla Redden
Counselor Quote of the Day: The person who forgives is far stronger than the person who fights.
about 14 hours ago, Kristin Baird
Mrs. Peck's 1st graders are 120 days smarter!!
1 day ago, Gina Peck
120th day
Our 120th day was filled with lots of fun activities! First Graders in Mrs. Stephen's room are 120 days smarter!!
1 day ago, Dawn Stephens
Stacking 12 cups
120 licks of a lollipop!
Count by 10 to make a 120 scoop ice cream!
Twelve scoops of ice cream!
120 gumball machine (They made 120 fingerprints.)
Their finished gumball machines!
120 fruit loop necklaces
120 Fruitloops
First graders are 120 days smarter! We celebrated with fun activities full of 120 things!
1 day ago, Katie Strunk
Positive Office Referrals!
1 day ago, Dar Porter
First Graders are 120 days smarter! We are celebrating the 120th day of school today!
1 day ago, Dawn Stephens
120 Days Brighter
Counselor Quote of the Day: Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" Dr. Seuss
1 day ago, Kristin Baird
Counselor Quote of the Day: If it's worth dreaming about, it's worth working for.
3 days ago, Kristin Baird
Third graders have been learning about Rocks and Minerals. They even got hands on experience making models of the different types of rocks with Starbursts!
3 days ago, Ryan Sarchet
We added some basketball to our lesson!
3 days ago, Wendy McElfresh
Reading Spirit Week!
4 days ago, Dar Porter
Our amazing STUDENTS of the MONTH!
4 days ago, Dar Porter
Elementary March 2025 Family Newsletter
4 days ago, Dar Porter
Counselor Quote of the Day: Know it's not easy... but do it anyway.
4 days ago, Kristin Baird
📣Social Media Shoutout📣 Charlea has worked extremely hard to meet her AR goal this quarter and wanted to share it with the world! She is the first student in her class to meet and exceed their goal. We are so proud of her determination, positive attitude, and belief in herself to reach her goals. Great job Charlea!😁
6 days ago, Kendall Kelley
Great job!
Yay for 100%!
We are so proud of our 1st grade students of the month ❤️ Keep up the great work!
6 days ago, Katie Strunk
Big THANKS to Ms. Erica Randall from "Network for Hope" for coming out to teach our health class students about the value of being an Organ Donor!
6 days ago, Joe Morgan
Network for Hope