On December 21, 2019, the Felicity Franklin FFA Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Team traveled to Columbus, Ohio to compete in the state competition. The team competed previously in sub-district and district contests, coming in first place at both.
Parliamentary Procedure is a competition in which FFA members perform a twelve minute meeting demonstrating Parliamentary Law in the setting of an FFA meeting. In the meeting, six FFA members set up and execute a meeting overseen by a chairman with a secretary keeping minutes. The members must debate on motions while correctly using rules of parliamentary procedure.
The members worked very hard and have practiced for weeks as a team preparing for the contest. The members competing were Alisha Boone, Luke Jennings, Emily Hardewig, Carly McClure, Kyra Davidson and Audrey Pinger. The team also had three alternate members: Landen Tull, Emma Robertson, and Raven Schnarrenberg. The team competed in a first round of competition and judging, and moved on to finals, coming in first place. The team will represent the state of Ohio in the national level competition next October.
Parliamentary Procedure Team poses after finding out they are the State Champions. (From left to right: Alisha Boone, Landen Tull, Kyra Davidson, Carly McClure, Luke Jennings, Emily Hardewig, Audrey Pinger)