Felicity-Franklin Local School District
Testing Policy -- Letter to Parents
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Our school district receives federal funds for educational programs included as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) , as amended (2015). This law requires that all states adopt challenging academic standards and tests based on those standards. There must be at least three levels of scores for students who take these tests. This includes tests in mathematics, reading or language arts, science, and any other subject identified and selected by the state. States are required to develop English language proficiency tests for students who are English learners. Proficiency in a language is a measure of a person’s
ability to understand and communicate in that language or in a person’s preferred mode of communication. Furthermore, states must develop alternate tests for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. A school district may also request state approval to use a locally selected test for high school students that is different from the state test.
These academic tests provide important information that helps teachers, schools, school districts, and states identify students’ areas of strength and weakness. Test results and other information are used to improve academic and language instruction for students. These tests are also used to identify schools that may be in need of extra support in order to improve student achievement. It is the goal of our district to have all students participate in both state and local testing.
As the parent or guardian, you have the right to request to receive any state or district policy regarding student participation in any of the tests required by the ESEA. If you request this information, the district is required to provide it to you.
If you have any questions at all about the benefits of state testing, district testing, or both, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Please see the next page for a list of both state and district assessments.
Dr. Tim Hart, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment
Felicity-Franklin Local School District Office Phone: (513) 362-5344
105 Market Street
Felicity, OH 45120