LAST UPDATED: August 6, 2020
Q:What are the staggered start times?
Monday, August 24:
High School Students grades 9 and 12 only
Middle School Students grades 5 and 7 only
Elementary School Students grades K-4 Last Names A-K only
Tuesday, August 25:
High School Students grades 10 and 11 only
Middle School Students grades 6 and 8 only
Elementary School Students grades K-4 Last Names L-Z only
Wednesday, August 26:
ALL students report to school
Q:What are the start/stop times?
HS / MS Morning Arrival
7:15-25 am Unload Buses
Bus rider entry points:
High School door 18
Middle School door 15
Bus rider temperature checks, breakfast pick-up, and report to Homeroom/1st Bell.
7:25-28 am
Door 18 Opens for HS walkers, parental drop-offs, & student drivers
Door 8 Opens for MS walkers & parental drop-offs
Student temperature checks, breakfast pick-up, and report to homeroom/1st Bell.
7:30 classes begin
HS / MS Afternoon Dismissal
2:20-28pm loading of buses and departure
2:28pm release walkers, parental pick-up, and student drivers
Elementary Morning Arrival
8:25 Unload buses
Door #8 for walkers to come in for breakfast after temperature check
Non–breakfast students go straight to classrooms after temperature check.
8:30 Car riders enter door #9 after temperature check and go straight to classrooms
8:50 The tardy bell rings (10 minutes later than last year)
Elementary Afternoon Dismissal
3:00- End academic time and begin parent pickup for car riders. Parents will park in the parent parking lot and remain in cars. Staff members will escort students to cars using our new number system for each family. More information to be provided at a later date.
3:30 – Begin loading buses, one bus at a time as they arrive. Students remain in classrooms until their bus # is announced to load.
3:40- All students will be out of the building
Q: Who should I contact to sign my child up for the district-provided online learning?
A: Contact your building secretary to let them know your intention. After that, you will be contacted accordingly.
Q: What instructional model will be used for students in grades K-5, and how will it be implemented?
A: Two certified Felicity-Franklin teachers will be responsible for maintaining and teaching Accelerate Education, an online curriculum, using instructional practices that are proactive in leading students to success. The online teacher will be responsible for:
- Posting policies, clear expectations, contact information, and any other appropriate information that students need to complete the course successfully
- Actively monitoring student progress
- Grading student work and providing motivating, timely, and constructive feedback for all student assignments
- Actively engaging students through announcements, direct communication, academic support, and intervention
- Responding to student questions and requests for help in a timely manner
- Providing minimal troubleshooting to help students with tech issues
- Monitoring, promoting, and participating in course discussion boards daily during school hours
- Providing accommodations for students, as outlined in IEP’s
- Providing synchronous (real-time) sessions deemed necessary for student success.
The parent/guardian has the opportunity to ensure their child’s success by serving in the role of mentor. The mentor will be responsible for:
- Discussing details regarding student performance and progress
- Keeping lines of communication open with the student’s teacher
- Staying aware of automated progress reports to keep their student moving forward
- Motivating the student and staying aware of any situations that may be impeding the student’s learning.
Q: Will ALL students be required to wear masks/face coverings?
A: All K-12 students will be required to wear masks both on the bus and in the school building.
Q: Will masks/face coverings be provided for students?
A: The district will not provide face coverings for students. The district is working with Cool Tools to make masks available to families..
Q: What is the difference between online learning vs. remote learning?
A: Remote learning will only happen if the school building is closed by order of the state or county. Remote learning will be provided by the classroom teacher to the students that chose to return to school using technology. Similar to what was provided at the end of last year. Our remote plan will be released in the next few weeks.
Online Learning is for those students/families that choose not to return to school. Those students will be given access to computer based learning experiences/classes. They will be at home every day. At this time, no instruction/support will be provided by a Felicity-Franklin teacher. All instruction or tutorials will be provided by the technology (Ex written tutorial, video). Families will have the option to return to school at the end of each quarter. Students may use their district issued chrome books for this option. However, the district will not provide technology to students that do not have district chrome books.
Q: Who do I contact to sign my student(s) up for online learning?
A: Please email your building principal or secretary beginning August 3.
Q: What is the cost to parents for online learning?
A: There is no cost to parents/families.
Q: When do I have to inform the school that my student(s) is going to use the online learning option?
A: No later than August 7
Q: Will the district have an Open House this year?
A: There will not be an open house for families this school year.
Q: Will there be Cool Tools this year?
A: Yes. Tuesday, August 18. 9:00am to 11:00am and 5:00pm to 7:30pm
Q: What is the minimum distance between desks in the classroom?
A: Based on our enrollment numbers from last spring, we are able to have a minimum of 3 feet between desks. In some rooms, based on class sizes and square footage, that distance is greater.
Please check back often for updates.