Featured on page 6 of the Cardinal Communication is information on support services for those that rent their homes.
The Development Services Agency is now distributing $100 million in federal funding to help
low-income Ohioans who do not own their own home pay their rent, water, sewer,
wastewater, electric, gas, oil and/or trash removal bills. Ohioans can apply for assistance
with outstanding balances dating back to March 13, 2020, and for future rent/utility
payments once back bills have been made current, for up to three months at a time, through
December 31, 2021. The funding, which was approved by the Ohio Controlling Board for
distribution, will be divided among Ohio’s 47 Community Action Agencies. Ohioans can
apply for assistance by contacting their local Community Action Agency. A list of agencies
can be found at businesshelp.ohio.govunder Home Relief Grants.
- Be at or below 80% of their county’s Area Median Income, which varies by county and size of household.
- Have experienced a financial hardship because of COVID-19.
- Demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.