Update #4: Back To School Electronic One Stop
Orientation/First Day of School
9th Grade Orientation - August 15th 7:30-11:30am
First Day of School is Tuesday, August 16 - Grades 1-12
Kindergarten phase-in days: August 16 (girls) and August 17 (Boys)
22-23 Academic Calendar
Final Forms
pK-12 FINAL FORMS LINK - Please check & make sure all your information is current before coming to Open House! This must be completed EVERY YEAR!
School Lunches
School breakfast/lunches are not Free this year.
Breakfast is $1.00
K-4 lunches are $2.75
5-12 lunches are $3.00
Click here for the Free and Reduced
Lunch Application.
Open House:
Student Handbooks
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
School Supply List
Additional 7-12 News
7-12 Daily Announcements Link - Save this to your FAVORITES!
Update #3: More new school year information
- URGENT – Please, if you haven’t already, have your student(s) return their chrome books to the school. We need to get them cleaned and the necessary updates loaded before the start of this school year. If they wait until they return to school, they may be without their technology, possibly for several days, while these services are performed. They can be dropped off at the high school and the elementary offices as well as the superintendent's office between the hours of 8:00am to 3:30pm
- Change in orientation - With the 5th grade being a part of the elementary this year, there will not be a 5th-grade orientation on Aug 15. 9th-grade students will have their orientation on August the 15th. Bus transportation will be provided, students who walk or are dropped off may arrive beginning at 7:15 am. The students will have a morning packed with activities to help them successfully transition into the High School setting. Breakfast & Lunch will be provided. Orientation will conclude and buses will transport the freshmen home at 11:30 am.
- Parents and Visitors – The Middle School entrance will no longer be a public entrance. Parents/visitors for grade 5 and 6 will enter through the elementary office doors. 7th and 8th grade parents/visitors will enter through the high school office entrance.
Update #2: Grant dollars make repairs possible
You may recall at the end of last school year the district had to remove several pieces of playground equipment. Those pieces were 20 plus years old and had outlived their ability to be used safely. We have begun the process of repairing and replacing the entire playground area including replacing the playground equipment, the tennis courts and creating an outdoor learning area. The district is able to accomplish this by using ESSER grant money (COVID funds). Grant money paid for 70% of this project. The remaining 30% has come from the PTO and the district's permanent improvement fund. Like the playground replacement, the district has been able to use grant money to update the HVAC units and controls this summer. We were able to replace two aging chillers, also 20 plus years old. These chillers have been replaced with a larger, more efficient chiller, using ESSER grant dollars (COVID funds), a $100,000 dollar grant from ODSA and district permanent improvement money. Grant money paid for 80% of this project. And Finally, the district has done some significant repairs and replacements to the building roofs. Each of the repairs have a 15 year life expectancy and the replacements have a 20+ year life expectancy. Grant money (COVID funds) paid for 100% of this project.
Update #1:
Good morning Cardinal Families It is hard to believe that the start of the new school year is just over three weeks away. I want to give you a couple of quick updates and reminders. ·
With the dissolution of the middle school, 5th and 6th grade students will now be on the elementary schedule (8:30am to 3:30pm). 7th and 8th grade and high school students will remain on the same time schedule as last year (7:30am to 2:30pm). We will continue to run two bus routes.
- Grades 7-12 will ride on the first route and grades K-6 on the second route. Drop off/pick up times and locations will be posted as soon as they are finalized.
- August 11 – Open house – 5:30-7:00 · August 15 – 5th and 9th grade orientation – Times TBD
- August 16 – First day for all students Please keep a lookout for more updates and reminders. Have a great day.