Day 2 of School Counseling Week- grades 5-12 were given a "now and later" piece of candy to remind them if they need to talk either now or later, the counselor is always there for them. Grades K-4 were given a starburst to tell them their counselor thinks they are all stars.
almost 7 years ago, Kristin Baird
Don't miss out on all of the upcoming reading opportunities for elementary students! See the details in this week's announcements. *Family Reading Night is this Thursday, February 8th from 6-7:30 in the elementary library. All elementary students/families are invited!!! *PTO’s Reading Rally fundraiser starts this week and runs through February 9th. *Family Literacy Night will be every Tuesday at the Felicity Public Library from 6 to 7:30 PM. Right-to-Read Week is next week, February 12-15. ‘Paws for Books’ Help us celebrate a week of reading by participating in dress up days!
almost 7 years ago, Jennifer Keller
Kindergarten Registration information
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Adams
Are You Future Ready? Please check out the attached flyer for the Scheduling Fair! Everyone 8th through 11th grade must attend! Get free food, talk with teachers and students about courses/pathways, win prizes, check your progress and develop a plan for your future!
almost 7 years ago, Bob Walker
Scheduling Fair
Bad weather is on the way. Are you on the OneCall list? Make sure you are notified of school cancellations by getting your information added to the OneCall list. Contact me at or by phone (513) 362-5413 and I will add you to the list tonight. Send me your name, phone numbers and any school list (i.e. elementary, middle, or high school) you wish to be added to.
almost 7 years ago, Charlie Marshall
Happy School Counseling Week. The theme for the week is "School Counselors: Helping Students Reach for the Stars." As your student's school counselor, I am always here to help your student explore his or her dreams and discover how to achieve them.
almost 7 years ago, Kristin Baird
Elementary announcements for the week of February 5th. Be sure to check out all of the fun reading opportunities for the next few weeks!
almost 7 years ago, Jennifer Keller
All Basketball Games for tonight 2/5 have been Cancelled. MS games are rescheduled for Thursday. HS games TBA.
almost 7 years ago, Ryan Taulbee
Good morning! The High School is on the attached two hour delay schedule today:
almost 7 years ago, Bob Walker
Two Hour Delay
Felicity-Franklin Schools are on a 2 hour delay today (Feb 5). No AM Pre-school
almost 7 years ago, Dave Gibson
almost 7 years ago, Ryan Taulbee
Homecoming Dance 2018, everyone is having a great time!
almost 7 years ago, Bob Walker
Wonderful Homecoming Ceremony! Congratulations to all the Court & King Marcus Simpson with Queen Kaitlyn Sharp!
almost 7 years ago, Bob Walker
Congrats JV on a great win on homecoming!! Varsity up next..GO CARDS!!!
almost 7 years ago, Ryan Taulbee
Kindergarten Registration
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Adams
Thank You Captain Sellers and the Clermont County Sheriff's Office for your support of the Felicity-Franklin Cardinals!
almost 7 years ago, Ryan Taulbee
It's Homecoming night!! JV game starts at 6:00. Homecoming Ceremony will take place between games. Go Cards!!
almost 7 years ago, Ryan Taulbee
2nd grade students learned about shadows and the Earth's rotation for Groundhog Day.
almost 7 years ago, April Simpson
Shadow 1
Shadow 2
Good morning! Don't forget High School is on the assembly bell schedule for the Homecoming Pep Rally today! ~2pm
almost 7 years ago, Bob Walker
assembly schedule
The kindergartners had a great time celebrating the 100th day of school!
almost 7 years ago, Stacey Adams