HS with hops at Blan.

Your turn 8th grade.

Half time down 3-0. Getting shots, keep working girls!!

Great win 7th grade Lady Cardinals

FFMS Spirit Day is tomorrow. Please wear your Felicity gear! Go Cardinals!

Mrs. Johnson's first graders discussed the differences between fiction and nonfiction.

Soccer games are still on as sheduled despite the rain. Did you know we have a rain garden? This Clermont County sponsored project is still doing great and the flowers like the rain!

Congratulations to Mrs. Francis and Ms. Pollitt. They have been asked by ODE’s Career Connections unit to present at the “SuccessBound” conference being held October 24th in Columbus, Oh.

Hope you had a great wekeend! Looking forward to another great week at FFHS!

Engaging students in discovery of scientific variables and exploring blended learning with 1-1 chromebooks! FFHS developing students skills everyday!

Good morning! Happy Friday! Don't Forget to dress sharp today for HS Pictures Day!

Ladies Soccer taking on Blanchester tonight. Mallory Obermeyer on the corner kick... building some offenses chances! Go Cards!

Link to High School Daily Announcements:

Felicty XC Early Bird underway! HS runs at 5:30 Girls 6:15 boys, come out to Washington Park and cheer on the Cardinals!

We would like to welcome 4 new teachers to our Felicity-Franklin Elementary team! Miss Wagner- kindergarten, Miss Goodpaster- 1st grade, Mrs. Simpson- 2nd grade and Miss Sullivan- 2nd grade

High School Soccer and Tennis have been cacelled this evening, due to weather conditions. The National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for Clermont County until 9pm.

Mr. Binion lighting the fire of student interest in Chemistry! #felicityfirstday

We are looking forward to welcoming our students back tomorrow! Share your first day of school photos with us! Use #FelicityFirstDay

I can't wait to meet our new class! Freshmen Orientation is Monday, 8/22, 7:30am-1pm. Buses will run & we will have lunch for students!!!

The District Office is gearing up for a great year! Welcome aboard Ann Butts, District Office Secretary.