Just a reminder that the MS Volleyball game tonight vs MVCA is going to be just 8th grade starting at 5:00. Go Cards

Felicity Cardinals are Proactive

Congrats to our XC teams both 2nd place today. A great finish at senior night race for our seniors Jared 2nd, Kaitlyn 3rd, and Madison 4th.

Mrs. Moore's math class using Stem Bins to help promote cooperative learning among peers and to help the students think "outside the box".

Mrs. Taulbee’s FCS students applied kitchen safety and sanitation rules in their first lab today! Mini-monkey bread muffins are magnificent!

JV Volleyball vs Batavia is underway... Let's Go Cardinals!!!

The 4th grade Byways/Stem students decided on a quote that represents their class, "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." Ronald E. Osborn

The elementary staff spent some time after school yesterday learning about apptegy

6th Grade ELA students working on a Hatchet Schoology module using their Chromebooks

Soccer and Tennis hosting CNE tonight. Go Cards!

Ladies Tennis enjoying the beautiful weather and competition with CNE. Let's Go Cards!

The house was packed for the first FFA meeting of the year! Great students, doing great things in school and our community!

CHROMEBOOK UPDATE: For those students who have paid their Chromebook Protection Plan ($20) and the Take-Home ($30) payments, Chromebooks are scheduled to go home on this Friday, September 8th. It is ESSENTIAL that students/parents submit their forms and payment prior to this Friday. If you cannot afford to pay the full amounts at this time, please complete a payment plan form and begin making payments. Students who have not paid will not be permitted to take their devices home. This can create a disconnect for students and their ability to access and complete needed assignments for school. Payments and paperwork may be submitted during homeroom/intervention bell or in the office. Link to Final Forms Instructions: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/85749/Final_Forms_Instructions.pdf Link to Payment Plan Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_I6vq5c5AOITWhna-lEiobR5QO_1FGup0pZjfGN5WNs/edit?usp=sharing

Middle school staff learning about apptegy and how to communicate through social media.

Happy Labor Day!
Follow the link to the High School Announcements!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T6VtkG1UB0l-mlvdElTWroCOmrHVvWqkQQm4-qAvm0w/edit?usp=sharing …

Congrats to our HS Girls XC on their 2nd place finish and the boys on their 3rd place finish today at the Ripley meet.

Good luck this morning to our Cross Country teams at Ripley!

Brainstorming discussions about real life strategies for problem solving and personal finance. Who knew there was so much more to learn from puzzles and board games?

I am excited to share that the new district website is up and running. There are a few updates needed, but I believe it is a great step in the right direction. Please visit us at felicityschools.org

Keep working men. Big change from game 1 to game 4. Playing with purpose!