September 14, 2020
Please click HERE for the revised Symptom Assessment Protocol.
Note that the only change is that if your physician administers a COVID 19 test, staff/student may not retu...

September 9, 2020
Good Afternoon, Yesterday, Mrs. Hazelbaker, Cafeteria Supervisor, shared that the USDA has provided grant money to schools that allows ALL students to receive free breakfast and ...

September 3, 2020
Good Afternoon Cardinal Families
I am pleased to share that Felicity Schools has been awarded a Coronavirus Relief Funds – Broadband Ohio Connectivity Grant in the sum of $151,...

September 1, 2020
Good Afternoon,
As we continue to move forward I want to clarify the district's position as it relates to students feeling or being ill at school.
Based on the symptom asses...

August 26, 2020
Good Afternoon,
Please click the link below to view guidance from the Clermont County Public Health Department regarding school protocols if a staff member or student test...

August 19, 2020
Good afternoon Cardinal families
Below you will find a link to the updated Cardinal Reopening plan. We are working diligently on getting every student who has requested online...

July 29, 2020
Q:What are the staggered start times? A: Monday, Aug...

July 22, 2020
Hello Cardinal Families,
Below is the link to the Felicity Schools Return to School Plan.
Cardinal Return to School Plan
Please realize that this plan is b...

June 18, 2020
FFA Members across Ohio have been faced with many disappointments over the last few months with the cancellation of competitions, school, and conventions due to the Coronavirus Pa...

June 4, 2020
On June 3, 2020, Superintendent Dave Gibson and Treasurer Christy Laubach were invited to represent Felicity Franklin Local Schools and testify as proponents for Senate Bill 313 (...

April 29, 2020
Felicity-Franklin Local School District Testing Policy -- Letter to Parents 2019-2020 Dear Parent or Guardian: Our school district receives federal funds for educational p...

February 28, 2020
On February 20, 2020,
the Felicity Franklin FFA held their 10th Annual Degree Night. First year FFA
members received their Greenhand Degree, and second year members received ...

February 5, 2020
2020 Census Impacts School Funding!
In mid-March, homes across the country will begin receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you ...

January 14, 2020
On December 21, 2019, the Felicity
Franklin FFA Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Team traveled to Columbus, Ohio
to compete in the state competition. The team competed previousl...

November 26, 2019
Earlier this year, Showtimes Magazine announced
their “Best FFA Chapter in America” contest. Held in memory of Brooke Groth,
the contest highlights FFA Chapters for the work the...

November 15, 2019
Felicity-Franklin FFA had
several members compete at the National Level at the National FFA Convention
and Expo, the week of October 30- November 2, 2019. The Chapter represente...
October 14, 2019
The Felicity PTO needs you! After this academic year 2019-2020 there will
be 4 officer positions available (President, Vice-President, Treasurer,
Secretary). PTO currently ...

October 4, 2019
Every two years, the governor approves a biennial budget which dictates the amount of funding given to school districts. We receive funding from federal, state, and local source...

October 2, 2019
On September 18, 2019, the Anthony B. Meldahl Chapter of the National Honor Society of Felicity-Franklin High School held its 53rd induction ceremony. The chapter inducted 14 new ...

September 3, 2019
Felicity Franklin FFA is
exceling on a National Level! Several members have been selected to compete
nationally against other FFA members from across the country. Agriscience ...